NPAW donating to those in need
While many of us in Barcelona are packing away summer clothes in preparation for the colder months ahead, NPAW held its annual 2nd hand clothes drive.
In collaboration with Fundació Formació i Treball, NPAW’s staff donated several boxes of used clothes to those in need, giving them a second life. This is not only a charitable initiative, but also one that reduces our environmental impact.
Through the work of Fundació Formació i Treball, this drive also creates jobs for vulnerable groups. The process of collection, selection, classification and delivery of the clothes provides life-changing opportunities for everyone involved.
The clothes drive also promotes social supply programs through the Foundation’s network of solidarity shops. Clothes that are in good condition are given a second life. Those that cannot be used are then recycled.
About Fundación Formació i Treball
Fundación Formació i Treball was established in 1992 by the Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona.
With the aim of training and integrating people at risk of social exclusion into the labour market, the Foundation manages the delivery of clothing, furniture and other household equipment to vulnerable families in Barcelona.
We at NPAW would like to thank Fundació Formació i Treball for their charitable works and support of the local community. To learn more about the foundation, its history and activities, please visit their website.