Churn Reduction
for Broadcast
Streaming Services

Using End-to-End Streaming Analytics


Your churn rate has a ripple effect that touches every part of your business, starting directly with your revenue and reputation. To prevent the loss of revenue and the increase of expenses related to churn, like marketing and new customer acquisition, video service providers need complete visibility across video preparation, video distribution, delivery and quality of experience.


  • Improve the quality of your user experience
  • Analyze your vendor quality and SLA rate
  • Address affected user segments
  • Identify the root cause of viewing issues
  • Improve retention and engagement
  • Effectively report streaming issues

Download the White Paper

Streaming Industry report


8 Questions Answered by End-to-End

  1. What problems are your users experiencing?
  2. Why is this happening?
  3. How long has this been going on?
  4. What technical issues are causing your poor-quality experiences?
  5. What are the failures in your delivery chain?
  6. Which devices are involved?
  7. What user segments have been affected?
  8. How many viewers have been affected?

To keep customer satisfaction levels high, we believe streaming providers should be infinitely focused on the customer experience. Fueled by data, companies can engage each customer contextually and remain competitive.

Ferran Gutierrez


NPAW is the leading video intelligence company helping online streaming services grow. A global leader in its space, NPAW has a decade of experience developing groundbreaking and scalable analytics solutions to optimize performance and user engagement to build media experiences that maximize revenue. NPAW serves more than 190 video services and processes over 124 billion plays per year worldwide.


The NPAW Suite provides OTTs, broadcasters, operators, and media groups with holistic and advanced visibility of platform performance, audience behavior, advertising, and content efficiency in real time to support informed, data-driven decisions.

Improve your Quality of Experience with NPAW

Contact us to receive a free product demo. Discover the impact Quality of Experience has on your product.