Video Engagement Analytics & Segmentation  Software

Get data-driven visibility of user engagement and segmentation. Learn and predict user behavior to proactively manage users, build sticky products and nurture a loyal audience.

video engagement metrics

What Is Video Engagement Analytics?

Video engagement analytics looks at video metrics that track user behavior within your service and allow you to adapt it to increase their consumption rate. NPAW’s video engagement analytics software focuses on video engagement metrics and segmentation specifically for the streaming and OTT industries.

Understand video engagement

Know how engaged and loyal your customers are. Use data-proven measurements to recapture inactive users.

Use segmentation to analyze specific customer groups

Gain actionable insights and create user segmentation in real time. Base data harvesting on multiple usage and quality parameters.

Utilize churn prediction metrics to increase loyalty

Pinpoint trends in unhappy users to predict those more likely to churn. Use this data to increase user retention.

Exploit the NPAW Stickiness Score to predict churn

Determine user engagement and generate a churn risk score to enable data-driven churn prevention by monitoring video engagement metrics.

Learn what engages your users to tailor offers

Understand user behaviour

Discover why and how users interact with your service. Measure how engaged they are with your video products.

Improve engagement and stickiness

Identify inactive users before they leave and understand what leads to a higher consumption rate. Then adapt your service to reactivate these users.

Create an engagement-based user experience

Recognize what your users like and build more. Reach out to your users based on their loyalty.

video engagement metrics

NPAW is the best video stream player analytics tool that we have used, helping us increase customer acquisition, engagement and retention.

Chang Ha Kim

Business Intelligence Analyst

video engagement metrics

Dive deep into user behavior with video segmentation software

Build user segmentation on engagement data

Identify precise segments and create samples to address users individually.

Get real-time segmentation of your user

Generate data that is never outdated. View the latest non-stop info on user engagement.

Generate actionable and timely user segmentation

No need to wait for the next quarterly user survey. See how engaged your users are now.

Increase user loyalty with proactive churn prevention

Visualize churn risk per user

Generate a churn risk score for all users in real-time. Then, focus care on users with a potentially high churn rate.

Improve upsell campaign efficiency

Address users and their individual satisfaction and engagement rates. Avoid one-size-fits-all campaigns.

Reduce your churn rate

Know your users and analyze their engagement with your product. Then, identify inactive or unhappy users in time to stop churn.

Using Streaming Analytics to Reduce Churn and Retain Users

Strategic decision-making for reducing churn starts with user data and endpoint analytics. You have to know how your customers feel about and interact with your platform before you can tailor your offering, increase your revenue, grow your market share, innovate for the right audiences, or scale your business.


Improve your User Experience with NPAW

Contact us to receive a free product demo. Understand your user’s product journey better.

IBC Amsterdam, 13-16 September 2024 | Hall 5, Booth #G76