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The NPAW Team Wraps Up 2022 Full of Holiday Spirit

by | Dec 21, 2022 | Company

As the year draws to an end, the NPAW team has been quite busy closing ongoing projects and getting ready for 2023 — but it has not all been about work.

From charity events to holiday season celebrations, here’s a look at everything that took place at the company in the last two months of 2022.

Time to give back


One more year, the NPAW team took some time to give back to our local community through two charity initiatives. 

During the month of November, we teamed up with Fundació Formació i Treball to organize a solidarity campaign to collect clothing. Our employees were encouraged to bring in clothes they no longer use or need and deposit them in a box at the entrance of our headquarters in Barcelona. 

All the donations collected will be sent to the foundation to create employment for groups in vulnerable situations, promote social delivery programs through the foundation’s network of solidarity shops, and reuse or recycle the pieces of clothing.

An NPAW employee volunteering for the Gran Recapte food collection campaign

An NPAW employee volunteering at a local grocery store for the Gran Recapte food collection campaign

Additionally, on the last weekend of November, we joined the Gran Recapte (the big collection), an annual food-raising campaign organized by the non-profit Banc dels Aliments.

NPAW volunteers were present at the different collection points (local supermarkets, market stalls, and shops), informing citizens about the campaign and inviting them to participate by donating food.


The holiday season is here


With December comes the holiday season, and we at NPAW like to celebrate it together through fun giveaways and team-building events.

On December 1st, we started the countdown to Christmas with our office advent calendar. One by one, our teams have been unveiling a daily surprise snack to be shared with the entire Barcelona office.

NPAW's advent calendar with a surprise snack every day

NPAW’s advent calendar, every bag containing a surprise sweet snack for the entire office to enjoy 

Also on the first day of December, our Barcelona headquarters received the visit of a very special group of guests. Our team members’ children helped us decorate the office Christmas tree and kicked the Caga Tió for presents. 

The kids of NPAW team members decorate our office Christmas tree

The children of NPAW employees decorating the office Christmas tree before visiting the Caga Tió 

Lastly, on Friday, December 16th, NPAW employees from different regions and countries got together in Barcelona for this year’s Christmas party and dinner. 

The day started with a meeting of NPAW’s executive team to analyze the results of the year and outline the business priorities for 2023. Next, CEO Ferran G. Vilaró shared the meeting’s key points with the entire company during December’s monthly meeting.


NPAW CEO Ferran G. Vilaró shares the year's results during the company's December monthly meeting

NPAW CEO Ferran G. Vilaró shares the year’s results during the company’s December monthly meeting

The team then enjoyed a barbeque and some drinks in the office before getting ready for the night’s celebrations. Makeup artists were hired to help with styling, and plenty of team members decided to take advantage of this perk.

At 8 pm, we all met at the NH Collection hotel in the city center to have dinner and celebrate. A raffle was held right after dinner, and lucky employees won gifts ranging from a night at a hotel to one-year subscriptions to wine, sweets, or manicures. We then danced and mingled until a disco bus picked us up and took us to a club. And, the rest, as they say, is history.

NPAW employees take a picture at the photo booth during the 2022 Christmas dinner and party

NPAW  employees taking a picture at the photo booth during the company’s Christmas dinner party

Join NPAW's NAB Happy Hour | Apr 6–8 | 4.30–6 PM | Booth #W2355, West Hall