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Consumption per service drops as sports boom
In an increasingly competitive market, daily consumption per user and streaming service continued to decline in the first half of 2022. Providers pushed for a higher quality of experience in an effort to boost user engagement and reduce churn — all while a surge in sports streaming confirmed this content’s potential for growth.
How to measure video streaming quality
In today’s hyper-competitive video streaming space, ensuring good quality of experience and service is key to remaining in the game and not losing users. From the right analytics tools to what metrics to track, here is how streaming services should measure quality.
How Customer Experience Visibility Optimizes QoE for Technical Teams at LaLiga
LaLiga integrated end-device analytics into the player. This allowed it to monitor customer experience in real-time, run post-event analysis, establish consumption patterns, and reduce delivery costs while maintaining users happiness score levels.
Talk to one of our video specialists
If you want to know more about how the NPAW Suite can help your video streaming business, request a demo with one of our video specialists