Improve Customer Care with Session Tracking for Video Streaming

Discover customer issues and provide valid solutions with NPAW’s session tracking and monitoring software tools. Give your support team full visibility of issues and each user’s activity with session-by-session tracking capabilities.

video session tracking

What Is Session Tracking for Video Streaming?

Session tracking for video streaming, also known as session monitoring or video session tracking, records user actions on a video platform. Video session tracking gives you full visibility into the user’s entire video consumption. Visualize all events, actions and renditions consumed on an individual level.

Improve first-time resolution rates

View all relevant customer information in the system during customer calls. Increase your first-time resolution rates.

Shorten video customer support calls

Reduce call times by having all relevant customer, usage data, and ticket info on hand when customers call.

Prevent calls related to video QoE and increase customer satisfaction

Make customer care a self-care experience. Obtain relevant customer QoE insights to increase customer satisfaction in terms of customer care.

Track all video sessions

Gain complete real-time visibility over users’ activities from a unique ‘per view’ timeline. Get info on ads, all metadata, view specifics, events, and renditions consumed with integrated video session tracking from NPAW.

Create industry-leading first-contact resolution rates

Enable your first-level support teams

Address user-specific tickets without support from engineering with all relevant customer information across customer service departments.

See all customer tracking data before the customer explains the symptoms

Run high-quality customer service with real-time session tracking data. Debug very specific use cases when downloading all related data.

Solve customer issues immediately

Have all video session data available in real time. Help your customers right away and take your customer care to the next level.

video session tracking

With NPAW we can identify which streaming errors have the biggest effect on perceived quality by quantifying the number of users affected. For us, this information is vital when prioritizing troubleshooting and optimizing efficiency across our teams.

Daniel Bravo Ruiz

Director of Operations Entertainment Services

Improve video customer support calls against unfavorable video UX

Solve problems quickly and efficiently

Avoid customer frustration with your service. Instead, focus on solving issues and core reasons behind tickets by understanding video UX issues before they are explained.

Reduce costs in customer care

Clearly identify the issue when a customer calls. Reduce call lengths and save money.

Professionalize your customer care

Use session tracking data to give your customer care team visibility on customer issues. Arm your team with knowledge to improve service.

Provide exceptional support, reduce churn, and increase video QoE

Be aware of your customer engagement rate when they call

Know your customer’s satisfaction whenever they get in touch. Use engagement rates to improve customer care.

Surprise and engage your customers

Avoid poor customer care tickets and processes. Help your customer care team identify customer problems and solve them.

Increase your customer lifetime revenue

Solve customer issues before calls. As a result, satisfied customers will spend more and churn less.

Analytics Best Practices for Telecom Change Management

Learn how client-side video analytics empower telecom operators to achieve healthy, seamless migrations from current systems, strategies, and infrastructure to next-gen tech.

Improve your Customer Care with NPAW

Contact us to receive a free product demo. Discover how to improve your customer care.